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WORKS.Sterilize History

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February 23, 2011, at 01:42 AM by Toyoshima Yasuko -
Changed line 32 from:
%center%Copyright © 2009 TOYOSHIMA Yasuko. All rights reserved.\\
%center%Copyright © 2011 TOYOSHIMA Yasuko. All rights reserved.\\
Changed lines 40-44 from:
I put an ultraviolet-radiation sterilization lamp on a showcase in the Art Museum. \\
I installed 201 color cards into the showcase. \\
The lamp had been kept on irradiating on the 201 color cards over a period of time at the exhibition. \\
As the wavelength of 254nm ultraviolet radiation has strong sterilization, the exposed color cards had deteriorated and were discolored by suffering from the UV light. \\
This shortwave ultraviolet radiation destroyed the material of structure and function. \\

An ultraviolet-radiation sterilization lamp irradiated 201 color cards in an enclosed vitrine through the entire duration of a museum exhibition. With a powerful wavelength of 254nm UV radiation, the exposed cards slightly discolored. The shortwave UV radiation destroyed the exposed material, meant to be an index of colors that were effectively leached of their true colors, stripped of their function, and thus sterilized. \\
Changed lines 43-49 from:
Thus inside the showcase for 'art' became a harmful lighting space. \\
Normally, the glass plate of the showcases in the art museums was covered /stuck with a UV Filter in order to protect the 'art' and safeguard the quality of the material.\\
In this time, the outside of the showcase wasn't damaged by the irradiation. \\
So the function of the showcase would be to protect the audience from the 'art', from something that is irradiating in it. \\

Museum cases are primarily designed to protect the artworks from viewers’ touch. Artworks are framed or cased under glass with UV filter to arrest or diminish the corrosive effects of exposure to light and to preserve the intrinsic material qualities of the works. Sterilize reverses this standard in exhibition practice. The artwork is cased to contain its irradiating force and to safeguard the viewers from direct exposure to the art, which emits highly concentrated, hazardous light.\\
Changed line 54 from:
%center%Copyright © 2009 TOYOSHIMA Yasuko. All rights reserved.\\
%center%Copyright © 2011 TOYOSHIMA Yasuko. All rights reserved.\\
November 06, 2009, at 10:16 PM by Toyoshima Yasuko -
Changed lines 20-22 from:


November 06, 2009, at 10:16 PM by Toyoshima Yasuko -
Deleted lines 22-23:

November 06, 2009, at 01:02 AM by Toyoshima Yasuko -
Added lines 42-46:
I put an ultraviolet-radiation sterilization lamp on a showcase in the Art Museum. \\
I installed 201 color cards into the showcase. \\
The lamp had been kept on irradiating on the 201 color cards over a period of time at the exhibition. \\
As the wavelength of 254nm ultraviolet radiation has strong sterilization, the exposed color cards had deteriorated and were discolored by suffering from the UV light. \\
This shortwave ultraviolet radiation destroyed the material of structure and function. \\
Changed lines 48-55 from:
Thus inside the showcase for 'art' became a harmful lighting space. \\
Normally, the glass plate of the showcases in the art museums was covered /stuck with a UV Filter in order to protect the 'art' and safeguard the quality of the material.\\
In this time, the outside of the showcase wasn't damaged by the irradiation. \\
So the function of the showcase would be to protect the audience from the 'art', from something that is irradiating in it. \\

November 03, 2009, at 12:19 AM by Toyoshima Yasuko -
Changed lines 39-41 from:
%komi% [+Sterilizeb (2006-)+]\\

%komi% [+Sterilize (2006-)+]\\

November 03, 2009, at 12:18 AM by Toyoshima Yasuko -
Changed lines 43-50 from:
In a show-case of an art museum, I put into an - (UV) light sterilization.\\
The (UV) light Illuminates color cards.\\
I keep on the lighting the period of the exhibition.\\
The show-case is protected from the Ultraviolet radiation since they are covered with UV Filter.\\
Usually, Art is protected from Ultraviolet radiation, but in this case, audiences are protected by the UV filter.
In this works, inside of the show-case, is dangerous. \\
November 03, 2009, at 12:16 AM by Toyoshima Yasuko -
Changed lines 39-41 from:
%komi% [+Sterilize (2006-)+]\\

%komi% [+Sterilizeb (2006-)+]\\

Changed line 43 from:
In a show-case of an art museum, I put into an Ultraviolet (UV) light sterilization.\\
In a show-case of an art museum, I put into an - (UV) light sterilization.\\
Changed lines 47-48 from:
The show-case is protected from the UV light since they are covered with UV Filter.\\
Usually, Art is protected from UV lights, but in this case, audiences are protected by the UV filter.
The show-case is protected from the Ultraviolet radiation since they are covered with UV Filter.\\
Usually, Art is protected from Ultraviolet radiation, but in this case, audiences are protected by the UV filter.
November 01, 2009, at 11:06 PM by Toyoshima Yasuko -
Deleted line 9:
Changed line 13 from:
Deleted line 15:
Changed lines 17-18 from:
Added lines 23-24:

Changed line 26 from:
Changed line 28 from:
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Deleted lines 36-37:

Deleted line 38:
Changed lines 42-50 from:
In a show-case of an art museum, I put into an Ultraviolet (UV) light sterilization.\\
The (UV) light Illuminates color cards.\\
I keep on the lighting the period of the exhibition.\\
The show-case is protected from the UV light since they are covered with UV Filter.\\
Usually, Art is protected from UV lights, but in this case, audiences are protected by the UV filter.
In this works, inside of the show-case, is dangerous. \\
Changed line 52 from:
Changed line 54 from:
Changed line 56 from:
Changed lines 58-59 from:

Changed lines 63-64 from:

(:if auth edit:)


Deleted line 69:
August 15, 2009, at 04:20 PM by Toyoshima Yasuko -
July 03, 2009, at 10:14 PM by Toyoshima Yasuko -
Changed lines 30-31 from:

(:if userlang ja:)

%center%Copyright © 2009 TOYOSHIMA Yasuko. All rights reserved.\\

Changed lines 51-56 from:

%center%Copyright © 2009 TOYOSHIMA Yasuko. All rights reserved.\\
February 19, 2009, at 06:58 PM by Toyoshima Yasuko -
Added lines 1-2:
(:include Main.master:)
Changed lines 4-8 from:
[+殺菌 (2006-)+]\\

%komi% [+殺菌 (2006-)+]\\

Changed lines 34-38 from:
[+Sterilize (2006-)+]\\

%komi% [+Sterilize (2006-)+]\\

February 16, 2009, at 06:05 PM by Toyoshima Yasuko -
Changed line 29 from:
February 16, 2009, at 06:05 PM by Toyoshima Yasuko -
Added line 1:
(:if userlang ja:)
Changed line 17 from:
Changed line 19 from:
Changed line 21 from:
Changed lines 23-24 from:

Added lines 28-35:
[+Sterilize (2006-)+]\\

(:thickbox s1.jpg 500:)\\

(:thickbox s2.jpg 500:)\\

(:thickbox s3.jpg 500:)\\
Changed lines 38-43 from:
(:if auth edit:)



February 16, 2009, at 06:02 PM by Toyoshima Yasuko -
Added line 10:
December 10, 2008, at 03:47 PM by Toyoshima Yasuko -
Changed lines 14-24 from:
生物の存在を脅かす短波長域の光 -「有害紫外線」を展示ケースの中につけるちうわけや。\\
美術館の展示ケースは外からの紫外線を遮断するフィルターで覆われとるため、 ケースの内側の光によって鑑賞者が「被爆」することはないちうわけや。\\

April 27, 2008, at 05:38 PM by Toyoshima Yasuko -
Added lines 1-45:
[+殺菌 (2006-)+]\\
生物の存在を脅かす短波長域の光 -「有害紫外線」を展示ケースの中につける。\\
生物の存在を脅かす短波長域の光 -「有害紫外線」を展示ケースの中につけるちうわけや。\\
美術館の展示ケースは外からの紫外線を遮断するフィルターで覆われとるため、 ケースの内側の光によって鑑賞者が「被爆」することはないちうわけや。\\

(:thickbox s1.jpg 500:)\\
(:thickbox s2.jpg 500:)\\
(:thickbox s3.jpg 500:)\\

(:if userlang ja:)

(:if userlang en:)

(:if auth edit:)


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Page last modified on February 23, 2011, at 01:42 AM